There is a revolution happening in the world of print media, and it goes by the name of Peekaboo Magazine! This new and very popular magazine, started by Bianca Shugg, began as a publication aimed at parents/families in the Brisbane area, showcasing local talent and events. Demand has grown nationally, and in June there will be a Peekaboo Magazine Sydney, and a Peekaboo Magazine Melbourne.
The magazine is available as a hardcopy from local stores, childcare centres, shopping centres, etc (see their Distribution page for places near you), or it can be read online. It has some very interesting articles to suit all tastes and needs.
Little Light House was so very fortunate to be asked to be a part of the March edition, which we eagerly accepted! The March mag has gone to print, and is available now! Check out our story, and the inspiring story of Stacey from Sunny Mummy (shown on the cover), plus a whole lot of other great reads!
Thanks Peekaboo, I see you too!!